CompuClever Antivirus Plus Help
Troubleshooting > Solving common issues > CompuClever Antivirus Plus services are not responding

CompuClever Antivirus Plus services are not responding

This article helps you troubleshoot the CompuClever Antivirus Plus Services are not responding error. You may encounter this error as follows:

  • The CompuClever Antivirus Plus icon in the system tray is grayed out and you are informed that the CompuClever Antivirus Plus services are not responding.

  • The CompuClever Antivirus Plus window indicates that the CompuClever Antivirus Plus services are not responding.

The error may be caused by one of the following conditions:

  • temporary communication errors between the CompuClever Antivirus Plus services.

  • some of the CompuClever Antivirus Plus services are stopped.

  • other security solutions running on your computer at the same time with CompuClever Antivirus Plus.

To troubleshoot this error, try these solutions:

  1. Wait a few moments and see if anything changes. The error may be temporary.

  2. Restart the computer and wait a few moments until CompuClever Antivirus Plus is loaded. Open CompuClever Antivirus Plus to see if the error persists. Restarting the computer usually solves the problem.

  3. Check if you have any other security solution installed as they may disrupt the normal operation of CompuClever Antivirus Plus. If this is the case, we recommend you to remove all of the other security solutions and then reinstall CompuClever Antivirus Plus.

    For more information, please refer to “How do I remove other security solutions?”.

If the error persists, please contact our support representatives for help as described in section “Support and Contact Information”.