CompuClever Antivirus Plus Help
How to > Useful Information > How do I automatically shut down the computer after the scan is over?

How do I automatically shut down the computer after the scan is over?

CompuClever Antivirus Plus offers multiple scan tasks that you can use to make sure your system is not infected with malware. Scanning the entire computer may take longer time to complete depending on your system's hardware and software configuration.

For this reason, CompuClever Antivirus Plus allows you to configure CompuClever Antivirus Plus to shut down your system as soon as the scan is over.

Consider this example: you have finished your work at the computer and you want to go to sleep. You would like to have your entire system checked for malware by CompuClever Antivirus Plus.

This is how you set up CompuClever Antivirus Plus to shut down your system at the end of the scan:

  1. Open the CompuClever Antivirus Plus window.

  2. Access the Protection panel.

  3. Under the Antivirus module, select Manage Scans.

  4. In the Manage Scan Task window, click New custom task to enter a name for the scan and select the locations to be scanned.

  5. If you want to configure the scanning options in detail, select the Advanced tab.

  6. Choose to shutdown the computer when the scan is over if no threats are found.

  7. Click OK to save the changes and close the window.

  8. Click Start Scan.

If no threats are found, the computer will shut down.

If there remain unresolved threats, you will be prompted to choose the actions to be taken on them. For more information, please refer to “Antivirus Scan Wizard”.