CompuClever Antivirus Plus Help
How to > Installation > How do I repair CompuClever Antivirus Plus?

How do I repair CompuClever Antivirus Plus?

If you want to repair your CompuClever Antivirus Plus from the Windows start menu, follow these steps:

  • In Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7:

    1. Click Start and go to All Programs.

    2. Find CompuClever Antivirus Plus and select Uninstall.

    3. Click Repair in the window that appears.

      This will take several minutes.

    4. You will need to restart the computer to complete the process.

  • In Windows 8:

    1. From the Windows Start screen, locate Control Panel (for example, you can start typing "Control Panel" directly in the Start screen) and then click its icon.

    2. Click Uninstall a program or Programs and Features.

    3. Find CompuClever Antivirus Plus and select Uninstall.

    4. Click Repair in the window that appears.

      This will take several minutes.

    5. You will need to restart the computer to complete the process.