How to open .WEBM files

Problems and Symptoms

Cannot open .WEBM files. When tring to open a .WEBM file, a dialog box with message "Windows cannot open this file" pops up. Error message "Windows does not recognize this file type". Cannot view .WEBM files on Windows PC

Recommended Solution

If you computer has some or all of the problems above, we highly recommend using PC Tuneup Maestro to enable your PC to open .WEBM files.

Detailed Instructions

Step 1: Download .WEBM file error repair tool and install it
Step 2: Click Start Scan on the Open File panel
Step 3: Click Fix Items

Click here to start a secure download of PC Tuneup Maestro.
Click here to start a secure download of PC Tuneup Maestro.
File Size: 2M, Download time: < 1 min. on DSL/ADSL/Cable
Supports: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 (incl. 64-bit)


Common Cause #1: Host Application for .WEBM Files wasn't Installed Properly.

The most common cause is that your PC doesn't have the right software application installed to read and parse .WEBM files. A file extension (the text after the dot in the file name e.g., WEBM) is an abbreviation of a program name or function name that describes the format of the file. With file extensions, which appear as a suffix to the name of a computer file, your computer can differentiate one file format, like .WEBM, from other file formats, like .TXT (for text files) or .XLS (for Excel spreadsheets).

Because each file extension stores information differently from another, your computer requires a specific software program, called a host application, that is capable of opening, interpreting and rendering data stored in .WEBM files. If this host application wasn't installed properly on your PC, the computer then generates an error while trying to open .WEBM files.

Common Cause #2: Corrupt .WEBM File Type Association

Another common cause of failing to open .WEBM files is corrupt Windows Registry. Windows Registry is an internal database that stores information about the operating system itself and all software applications that have been installed on your PC. A large amount of data is constantly being read from and written to the Windows Registry when your PC is running. Without proper maintenance, Windows Registry gradually becomes bloated and contains empty or erroneous entries.

More specifically, two types of errors can occur in the Registry. The first type is caused by a mismatched file association that links .WEBM files to a completely irrelevant host application. The second type of error is related to empty file paths that point Windows to installation folder locations that don't exist.

Host Application information for .WEBM Files
File Extension Code:
File Extension Type:
Documents encrypted using the WEBM specification
Host Application Info:
Use PC TuneUp Maestro to check if the host application was installed properly or not.
Download PC TuneUp Maestro to open unknown file extension.

Perform a quick scan of file type associations to discover issues in the Registry that prevent opening DLL files.

How to Open .WEBM Files:

1. Check and ensure a host application for .WEBM files is installed properly. Use PC TuneUp Maestro to perform a quick scan of of your PC's system Registry to identify any installation errors that are related to host application for .WEBM files.

2. Perform a complete check of file associations in the Windows Registry. To ensure that your computer is fully set up to open .WEBM files, scan system Registry entries of all file types and fix file association errors.

In both cases it is strongly recommended that you run a free scan for system registry errors.

Download instruction: Click the download PC TuneUp Maestro link. Then, click Run in the File Download dialog box and follow the steps in the installation wizard.

PC TuneUp Maestro is safe and secure.
Recommended Download:
PC TuneUp Maestro
PC TuneUp Maestro

- Fix Open File Problems

- Repair General PC Errors

- Improve PC Performance

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